Entrusted, not yours!

Many at times we get carried away with positions, influence, powers and authorities ‘entrusted’ unto us. Samson was entrusted with such an enormous power for a particular purpose but he got carried away with the accolades, respect and honours that power brought him. But just one day, just like other times he thought... but alas! The power has left him.

Amazingly, the 72 disciples returned from their assignment elated because of victories they had over Satan and demons.  Listen to this, Satan has no choice other than to obey their commands because he knows they were legitimate but not without having checked out their credentials to be genuine and authentic.

Satan checked them out! How? Satan has the same access that you and I have to the presence of God. Although for satan not as a “son” but as an accuser of your soul (Job 1:6). You will also remember the seven sons of Sceva (Act 19:14-15), they will tell you their experience when checks on them by Satan bungled.

Jesus responded to the 72 disciples when they were rejoicing over their victories; “He said do not rejoice because Satan obeyed you but rejoice because your names are written in heaven. (Lk 10:17-20)

Hmmm… take your focus off the powers, influence, authorities or your exalted position and give more attention to the giver. Minding your relationship with him and carefully watching how you use those things entrusted into your care.

They are not yours, they are enthrusted into your hands!